Foreign & Domestic Cars & Trucks
High Plains Transmission has been family owned and operated since 2004. Our customer service mission has always been to treat each and every customer with honesty, professionalism, and quality workmanship. We treat you like we would treat our own family.
(303) 569-6191
Combined with over sixty years of expertise in domestic & foreign auto repair as well as light truck and fleet repair, you have a quality automotive service that’s tough to beat. The difference between us and other shops is that we really do care about you and your vehicle. We’d love you to come in and let us take care of your automotive needs.
At High Plains Transmission we employ technicians with a minimum of five years experience. All of our shop technicians are ASE Certified Master Automotive Technicians with Advanced LI certifications.
Transmission Repair Services
From manual to automatic transmission repair, we know how to fix the problem. Our knowledgeable auto experts will diagnose the situation and help you make a decision. Leave the dirty work to us!

Our competitively priced transmission services include

Automatic Transmission
Automatic Transmissions shift between gears automatically to optimize driving, and changes gears based on the driver’s throttle pedal, vehicle speed, engine speed, and vehicle load. Typical automatic transmissions have 4-5 forward gear ratios, a Reverse, Park, and Neutral gear. Shifting gears occur automatically once the car is in Drive. Automatic transmission repair is complicated based on all the components that make it up, and you need to have any automatic transmission issues properly assessed by auto mechanics.
A four-wheel (4×4) drive vehicle has differential gears, both front and rear axles, and a transfer case attached to the transmission. Four-wheel drive vehicles demand maintenance on the transfer case, front differentials, rear differentials, and transmission fluids.
Front-wheel drive Transmission
Manual Transmission
Driving a vehicle with a Manual Transmission requires using the clutch pedal and gear shift to manually shift gears based on the speed of the vehicle. Manual transmissions have been built with anywhere from two to eight gears. Front-wheel drive and rear-wheel drive are the two main configurations for manual transmissions. Typically, manual transmissions require less maintenance then automatic transmissions.
There are clutches in both automatic and manual transmission cars, and different types of clutches. When shifting gears, the clutch engages and disengages from the flywheel and transfers the torque through the transmission. Clutches should help your vehicle start and shift gears smoothly. The clutch in your car receives a lot of wear and can eventually wear out. If your clutch begins slipping irregularly or is making noises that are raising suspicion, contact us for a free estimate.
Four-wheel drive Transmision
Front Wheel Drive Transmission
If your vehicle has Front-wheel drive, the engine drives the front wheels only. The power is routed through the transmission to the final drive where it is split and sent to the two front wheels through the drive axles. The engine, transmission, and additional hardware is all located in the front of the car.
What is better?
Manual transmissions cost less than automatics to begin with. When you go to a car dealer you will notice that the stick-shift version of the same model is cheaper.
Any mechanic can tell you that working on a manual transmission is much easier than working with automatic gear boxes. So the repair costs for automatics are significantly higher.
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Manuals – if properly operated – will go hundreds of thousands of miles without problems. The lubricant needs to be replaced periodically but not as frequently as in automatics.
Standards are harder to drive. Shifting while keeping your hand and eyes on the road seems to be harder for some individuals, while others seem to enjoy the shifting.
Manual gear shift
The main difference in operating a car with a stick shift vs. one with automatic transmission is that you need to shift gears based on the vehicle’s speed and this requires the use of the clutch pedal and the gear shift (stick). When the clutch pedal is depressed the clutch is disengaged – the engine and the transmission is separated. Gears can be selected at this time or the car can be stopped without stalling.
It’s not depressing the clutch pedal that takes practice – releasing it requires practice to ensure a smooth start and gradual transition between gears once the vehicle is in motion. If the clutch pedal is not properly used the car will jump and often stall. Learning to control the clutch pedal is the single most frightening part of driving standards and many people become discouraged after a few unsuccessful trials.
Automatics also have a clutch except instead of a clutch pedal a torque converter is used to separate the engine from the transmission – and it all happens automatically without the need of driver input.
How Does a Manual Transmission Work?
A manual transmission works very similarly to a bicycle’s gear shift, even though there is no chain in your car. In your bike when you change gears, the chain lifts away from the gears; in your car pushing the clutch disconnects the engine and transmission, then you move into a new gear and release the clutch to reconnect the two.
How Does an Automatic Transmission Work?
An automatic transmission is basically an automatic gear shift, instead of manually changing gears with a clutch, the car instead performs those actions for you. When you car begins to struggle at a lower or higher speed the transmission and torque converter sense the change and shifts you into the appropriate gears, either up or down.
When Do I Change my Transmission Fluid?
Every car will be slightly different, some manufacturers recommend changing transmission fluids out as often as every 30,000 miles, others recommend waiting until reaching 100,000 miles. You should check your car’s owners manual for the recommended changing times or consult your trusted mechanic. If you are someone who pulls heavy loads on a regular basis, drives in stop and go traffic on a daily basis or frequently pushes hard accelerations you may have to check your fluid more frequently.
How Do I Check My Transmission Fluid?
Your car’s manual will explain whether or not you should have your car running or not when checking your fluids. The transmission fluid dipstick is usually found under the hood, be sure not to confuse it with your oil dipstick. When you pull the stick out if it is covered with fluid all the way up to the indicator line your fluid is full. You can wipe the stick and perform a second time for accuracy.
How to Add More Transmission Fluid?
If your fluid is low you can always top it off. Do not overfill because that can damage the engine. If your fluid is low or in bad condition your mechanic can replace fluid, check for issues, and flush your system and replace what is necessary.
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